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Colonoscopy Age

**Colon Cancer Screening: When and How Often?** As you age, your risk of developing colon cancer increases. To detect and prevent this potentially deadly disease, regular screenings are essential. For those aged 45 or older with no risk factors other than age, the recommended screening schedule is: * **Colonoscopy:** Every 10 years From age 50 onwards, everyone should undergo colonoscopy screenings, regardless of gender or health status. Alternative screening options include: * **CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy):** Every 5 years There is no upper age limit for colon cancer screening. However, most medical organizations recommend discontinuing screenings at age 75. **Symptoms of Colon Cancer** If you experience any of the following symptoms, it's important to consult a doctor immediately: * Persistent abdominal pain or discomfort * Unexplained weight loss * Changes in bowel habits * Blood in stool * Rectal bleeding **Importance of Early Detection** Early detection and diagnosis of colon cancer significantly improves the chances of successful treatment and recovery. By adhering to recommended screening guidelines, you can play an active role in protecting yourself against this serious disease.
